Recent Episodes
COVID Lurking in Animals
The strain of COVID-nineteen circulating now is not the one that we began the pandemic with. Each time the virus infects someone, it can mutate. But humans are not its only reservoirs. Scientists are now searching for the virus in other animals.
Making Animal Skin Transparent
We have several ways to look inside the human body. The CT scan is computerized tomography which uses X-rays and computers to create highly detailed images of our bones and tissues. MRI or magnetic resonance imaging uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create high-def images of tissues and organs. Both are non-invasive and help doctors diagnose.
Preventing Dementia
Even though one out of ten Americans aged 65 and older has dementia, a new study shows that half of dementia cases can be delayed or are preventable! That's like heart disease where a person can greatly reduce their risk by managing factors such as weight, LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.
Wind Blown Microbes
Certain times of the year, we hear about Saharan dust reaching the US from Africa, carried by high atmospheric winds. And now a new study tells us something more worrying can be carried great distances by the wind: disease causing microbes.
What Pregnancy Does to the Brain
To understand changes in the brain during pregnancy, a neuroscientist chose to be regularly scanned with an MRI throughout her pregnancy. Dr. Elizabeth Chrastil, who co-authored a study of the findings was scanned three weeks before conceiving, during pregnancy, and for two years after her son was born in 2020.